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Safeguarding and Privacy

We have students on placements, carrying out various surveys, tests, and experiments. They are DBS-cleared and come from universities or colleges.


We will ask you to give your consent to take photographs, outings etc in a form when you come to settle your child. 

All adults who are named on the child’s birth certificate have parental responsibility unless there are mitigating circumstances whereby the above does not apply. Our form requires all adults with parental responsibility to sign the form. 

Under the new General Data Protection Requirement, we need your permission to store your child’s records. Paper records are kept in locked bags, learning journals in an online programme called Tapestry and the setting’s external devise as per the recommended requirement (until the age of 21 and 24 for children with SEND).


In case parents have shared custody when birth parents do not live together, we will need you to let us know in the parental responsibility form. We will also need to know if there are any court orders preventing another adult from contacting the child. We will need copies of adoption certificates along with birth certificates and proof of address.


Staff Training

Staff members use regular risk assessment procedures to ensure that children are kept safe all day long. To make sure that employees are qualified to work with children, secure and efficient recruitment processes have been put in place. Staff members are well-versed in the procedures to follow if they have concerns about a child or another staff member. All information is treated with confidentiality, and staff will only have information that is relevant. 


We will update you via newsletters, WhatsApp, and emails periodically. 

© 2022 by St. Phillips Pre-School | Gravel Hill | N3 3RJ | London | United Kingdom

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